Marcel and Julie Flukiger
The APC Story
Marcel was born and raised in the Luzern area of Switzerland. After completing a 3-year apprenticeship program, Marcel was certified as a Swiss chef in 1990. He worked several seasons in a ski resort near Austria and served his country in their mandatory military program. In 1993, he applied for an exchange program with the Association of International Practical Training and found a sponsor by the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, where he spent 18 months working and experiencing the culture of another country.
This is the place where he met Julie, the love of his life.
They married in 1995.
Julie grew up in Camp Hill, PA, and also is a trained chef who graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in New York 1993. Their beautiful daughter, Chantel, was born in 1998 and graduated with a degree in Environmental Engineering from School of Mines in Golden. She now is the mother of two beautiful twins girls and lives in the incredible state of Montana.
The Flukigers have lived in the Denver Foothills community since their wedding and have worked in the local food service industry throughout.
For Christmas 2005, Marcel gave Julie a wine making kit.
Little did they know that this new hobby would quickly get out of control and would lead to their first business venture, a winery, bistro, B&B combination, established in 2009 at the historic Clifton House Inn in Conifer. Their guests could explore the wonderful world of food, wine and lodging in a quaint family atmosphere.
It was the Summer of 2011 when lightning hit the 135-year old barn on the property and was destroyed by fire, resulting in the loss of their special events venue. This unfortunate circumstance led to moving their business to a new, larger winemaking facility in Bailey, which they opened in 2012. A complete remodel was required to turn the existing automotive service garage into a functional winery with limited food service.
The night of September 13, 2016, put another damper on the successful, family-owned business, when a runaway semi-truck took out the entire building for a complete loss. With much encouragement and help from the community, the Flukigers decided to rebuild once again on the same lot, taking advantage of the river frontage for an amazing patio setting by turning the building 90 degrees. The reopening occurred in January of 2018, operating as a full-service winery/bistro since then.
Steady growth led to the implementation of a full staff, including management positions in the front and back of the house.
At the start of 2024, Aspen Peak Cellars turned 15 years old and continues to celebrate the art of food, wine and music with a European flair and friendly hospitality.
Cheers to 15 years!
Clifton House 2009
APC 2012
APC 2018
Chantel and Joshua’s Family
Meet the Team